Gonzalo Lira Has Been Murdered by the Ukro-NAZI GESTAPO – the SBU

“Only the guilty fear judgement,” Gonzo had written in his Twitter bio. “Only liars need stifle the truth.”

On the 13th of January 2024, the American-Chilean citizen and blogger/journalist Gonzalo Lira was murdered in jail by the Ukro-NAZI GESTAPO equivalent – the SBU – for the crime of speaking critically of the Zelensky/Biden regime.

Gonzalo Lira used to start his broadcasts on YouTube in 2022 with the call of “Where is Tiffany Dover?”, referring to the nurse who became ill on-camera during a PR stunt that was supposed to show the safety of the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, and subsequently “disappeared” from all the records. Having become stranded in Ukraine in 2022, Lira was rightly fearful of becoming equally “disappeared”.

On the 20th of April 2022 – almost 2 years ago – he, indeed got apprehended by the SBU, and the call of “Where is Gonzalo Lira?” went up, including on this blog in the article Gonzalo Lira may have been murdered by the Ukro-Nazis in Harkov. Where Is Gonzalo Lira? — UPDATE: appears alive after an SBU detention.

Back then he got released, and behaving somewhat uncharacteristically, continued with his broadcasts, raising concerns that he may have been compromised by the SBU. If he really was or if he throught he could out-fox the SBU… that we will never know, for the present answer to the call-out of “Where is Gonzalo Lira?” is, sadly, the silence of death.

While Gonzalo Lira’s YouTube channel still exists, most of the videos there disappeared from public access after his arrest in 2022. Some may still be accessed if the direct link is known, like the Victoria Nuland stream, embedded below.

At the moment of his arrest in 2022 I took a snapshot of his YouTube videos, and have now uploaded all the 11GB of them to a file sharing service for the sake of record keeping.