In the summer of 2024, Russian on-line cinema “Okko” released a series called “Warsaw ’21”, with a fictional, but highly-realistic plot.
During the election race for the presidency of Poland, the famous journalist Kozelski is cynically killed. Polish TV channels immediately pick up the version of Russian interference in the internal affairs of the country in order to support Silesian separatists and destabilize the situation. As evidence, an audio recording of a conversation between Russian Ambassador Konobeyev (Anatoly Kotenev) and one of the presidential candidates Dombrovsky (Sergei Yushkevich) is being played on TV, which was allegedly sent from the mail of the murdered journalist. A small spark is fanning a geopolitical conflagration that can cause enormous damage to the interests of the country. A compromised employee of the diplomatic mission goes to the hospital with a heart attack, and crisis diplomat Vyacheslav Vasiliev (Dmitry Miller) arrives in his place. He will have to prove that the accusations against Moscow have no basis in fact.
The corpse of journalist Adam Kozelsky, known for his scandalous materials on political topics, is found at an expensive Bristol restaurant located in the center of Warsaw. Presidential elections are about to take place in Poland, so the situation in government circles is tense. It is known that Kozelsky received an audio recording of a secret conversation between Russian Ambassador Konobeev (Anatoly Kotenov) and presidential candidate Dombrovsky (Sergey Yushkevich). The results of the election race could change dramatically if the recording is made public. This is exactly what the journalist planned to do.
Therefore, the murder case is under the strict control of the current president himself, Zbarazhsky (Andrei Ilyin). And the best detective in the country, Agata Kvyatkovskaya (Valeria Shkirando), is appointed to lead such an important investigation — a strong-willed and unscrupulous investigator who perfectly manipulates people. She is instructed to report any information received directly to Interior Minister Luisa Brylskaya (Natalia Vdovina). Poles are sure that Russians are involved in the crime, but there is no evidence of this version.
The Russian Embassy also understands the sentiments of Polish politicians, which only exacerbates the already tense situation. After the meeting with Dombrovsky, Ambassador Konobeev suddenly became ill, and he was urgently sent to Moscow for treatment. Vyacheslav Vasiliev (Dmitry Miller) has been appointed temporary attorney, the nature of whose business conduct is radically different from his predecessor. First of all, he must conduct his own investigation to understand what happened to the ambassador and what he has to do with what is said on the record. After all, the Russian diplomat and the Polish politician discussed support for the independence of Silesia, an industrial region on the territory of Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic.
There are too many characters involved in this political scandal, and everyone has their own interest and their own benefit. It will not be easy to find the truth, and every mistake by Vasiliev entails consequences on an international scale.
The essence of the Polish destruction of the Soviet memorials
The film series “Warsaw ’21” has a very poignant scene, characteristic of the state of affairs in Poland specifically, and in the NATO countries in general. In the film, one monument is saved from destruction, but how many have already been demolished, and how many more will be demolished still?
‼️ People who don’t know their past don’t have a future.
By January 1, 1945, 3,246,000 Soviet soldiers were liberating Poland.
477,295 of them were killed.
1,636,165 were wounded*
* 1956 declassified note by Head of the military Scientific Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR, General-Colonel Alexander Pokrovsky. See the translation below!
561 memorials in honour of the Soviet soldiers were erected in Poland
468 of these memorials have been destroyed by December of 2023*
* Data from Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. See the translation below!
👉 Let us recall that in July of 2023, certain NATO documents were leaked from the summit. According to Tsargrad:
The documents say that the destruction of Soviet monuments is an extremely important job. This vandalism allows to destroy the “Russian narrative” that Europe was freed from fascism thanks to Moscow.
In addition, the destruction of monuments, according to the NATO leadership, contributes to the international isolation of Russia.
See also at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”
A Memo on the losses in personnel, weapons, combat equipment and expenditure of material resources by the Soviet Armed Forces during the liberation of Poland
Before we proceed to the text of the memo, here are a few points to keep in mind, regarding the value of rouble. In 1940, an average worker’s salary was 342 roubles, black bread costs 80 kopeks, while white bread – 2 roubles 75 kopeks. During the war, the military salaries would vary between 100 roubles and 750 roubles, depending on the rank. After the war, a car Lada VAZ-2106 cost 7200 roubles, while a compact bicycle – 100 roubles.
In the parenthesis, we are adding the equivalent, using the official conversion rate for 01.01.2025 of Russian Central Bank between the roubles of the USSR and the modern USD.
During the period from July 1944 to March 1945, troops of the 3rd, 2nd, 1st Belorussian, 1st and 4th Ukrainian fronts, as well as the Baltic Fleet, took part in the liberation of Poland.
As of January 1, 1945, the listed fronts consisted of 3,246,000 Soviet soldiers and officers and about 80,000 soldiers and officers of the 1st Army of the Polish Army.
During the operation to liberate Poland, the Soviet Army suffered the following losses:
- in people: 477,295 irrevocable, 1,636,165 sanitary – 2,113,460 people in total;
- in airplanes – 2,692 units, worth 963,620,000 roubles ($545,023,472);
- in tanks and self–propelled guns – 2,966 units, worth 688,557,000 roubles ($389,477,840);
- in artillery armament – 3960 units, worth 714,896,030 roubles ($404,345,194);
- in vehicles – 7,605 units, worth 100,385,000 roubles ($56,777,756);
During the operation, it was used up:
- 69,161 wagons of ammunition, worth 10,319,000,000 roubles ($5,836,426,400);
- aviation bombs – 27,412 tons, worth 137,060,000 roubles ($777,521,136);
- aviation cartridges and shells – 24,792 tons, worth 137,196,000 roubles ($77,598,057);
- burning lubricants – 992,906 tons, worth 697,666,000 roubles ($394,599,889);
- medical property for 150,000,000 roubles ($84,840,000).
Losses of the Baltic Fleet:
- people – 560 people;
- 129 aircraft, worth 167,700,000 roubles ($9,485,112);
- armoured boats – 10 units, worth 13,000,000 roubles ($7,352,800);
- submarines – 1, worth 18,000,000 roubles ($10,180,800).
The cost of restoring Polish railways for the period 1944-1945 amounted to 211,335,000 roubles ($119,531,076).
In addition, 12 billion roubles ($6,787,200,000) were spent on the financial support of the personnel of the Soviet troops who participated in the liberation of Poland, their food and clothing allowances and utility costs.
Thus, the total cost of weapons and materiel in monetary terms for the period of the liberation of Poland is 26,720,959,000 roubles ($15,113,374,410).
Colonel-General POKROVSKY
November 12, 1956.
One must remember, that the USSR continued to provide for Poland after the war, also during 1947, when Soviet Union was experiencing the post-war famine. Read: Polish insatiable pit. How much did the USSR spend on the restoration of Poland during and after the War
The Ministry of Defense has revealed the number of monuments to Soviet soldiers demolished in Europe
As of December 1, 2023, more than 3,000 monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators were demolished in the European Union. Andrei Taranov, a representative of the Russian Ministry of Defence, said this at the round table “Revenge of the Nationalists, or Who in Europe is hindered by monuments to Soviet soldiers.”
His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.
“At the time of the establishment of our representative offices in Poland, 561 such monuments were identified outside military graves. As of December 1, 2023, 468 were officially liquidated, completely destroyed, and only 93 monuments remained… Of the 665 military memorial sites and individual graves in the Czech Republic, 28 have been completely eliminated, 22 have been changed, that is, the symbols, red stars, and inscriptions have been removed,” Taranov said.
According to the representative of the Defence Ministry, the destruction of monuments in the EU will continue, as this is required by the laws on “decommunization” adopted in a number of European countries.