Bucha massacre – the script from the German Nazi false flags of 1945; Killing of the Russian POWs by UkroNazis

I finally pinned down what the Bucha massacre staged by the UkroNazis reminded me of! The very same thing was done by the Germans in Germany in the last months of WWII. As the Soviet troops were advancing, Hitler issued an order that all civilian Germans must evacuate westwards. Anyone disobeying and staying would be considered a traitor to the Third Reich and no longer be seen as a true German. Naturally, quite a large number of people decided that they did not want to abandon their homes, and continued going about their business.

The Nazis staged false flag provocations in some towns, close to the front line. The UkroNazis are nowhere as thorough as their German Nazi “colleagues” were, so today we see a lot of plot holes in the UkroReich narrative. Back in 1945, the Germans used converted, now collaborating, Russian POWs, dressed in Soviet uniforms to do the killing (promising those POWs freedom), but then executing them on the spot to make a picture of a battle, where the Soviets would have seemingly killed the civilians, only to be killed by the Germans. And then the “indignant civilised West” in the face of the Red Cross observers would be invited to witness and document the false flag, thinking it was for real.

Such episode is depicted in the Soviet semi-documentary film “Confrontation” from 1985. Here is the entire film:

At 2:50:00 is the documentary footage of the German atrocities on the Soviet soil, coupled with the footage of the tribunal conducted in Krasnodar over the Nazi collaborators.
At 2:55:16 the main antagonist, a Soviet PoW who completely switched to the German side, is instructed on the plan for the false flag, and how to eliminate his Soviet-clad former co-prisoners once the deed is done.
At 3:00:00 the sabotage group is formed – unbeknownst to them, none of them would be left alive after the mission.
At 3:01:21 is where the Germans accompany a Red Cross delegation to the scene of the would-be “Soviet brutality” against the civilian German population.
At 3:02:53 the Soviet-clad bodies of the soldiers are presented as evidence that it was they who killed the civilians.
At 3:03:16 is the documentary footage with the “indignation propaganda” feeding off the false flag with the words of “terror against terror” and promising to punish the guilty (guess who Goebbels meant); demanding to take all the German people to that town and let them see for themselves (EU delegation, anyone?)

Andrei Medvedev posted on his Telegram channel the following remark:

“Nothing new is happening right now. It was all in Aleppo – the Russians are gassing the Syrians, in Srebrenica, as a colleague correctly recalls, although the bad guys were the Serbs then, it was in the First and Second companies in Chechnya – the Russians kill everyone indiscriminately. It was before the Crimean War in 1853 – the Russians are killing wounded Turkish sailors with baggies. In short, there is nothing new in technology.

That’s why it’s doubly annoying. Because all of this, this whole provocation could have been prevented. Just record the streets of Bucha and other cities on video when our troops were leaving there. This is an information war. It’s like this. Tactics and strategy are like in conventional warfare, the means are different.

And now about what could have happened in the Butch. Sasha Kotz described everything correctly and in detail. And I agree with him. After ours had left, Nazis just came and killed those they suspected of helping the Russian military. Or at least in sympathy with them. The people killed are now called victims of Russian aggression. Let’s go back to Srebrenica again. There, Serbs who were killed by Bosnian militants were also written in by the West as victims of “terrible Serbian thugs”.”

That thought crossed my mind yesterday: either record the city while leaving or, even better, place hidden cameras around and record what the UkroNazis are doing while entering.

Fast forward from 1945 to 2022… What UkroNazis lack in organisation, they are trying to make up in quantity.

Russia accuses Ukraine of staging murders to generate Western headlines

Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed, on Tuesday, that Ukrainian security services have staged more alleged killings of civilians in several towns and villages in order to elicit sympathy by prompting media headlines in the West. Officials believe that Kiev is trying to create a narrative of Moscow being responsible for war crimes.

Moscow insists that the same tactics were used by Kiev to blame Russian forces for atrocities in the town of Bucha last week.

“The troops of the 72nd Ukrainian Main Center for Psychological Operations conducted another staged filming of civilians allegedly killed by violent actions of the Russian armed forces in order for it to be distributed through the Western media,” spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said during a briefing.

According to “confirmed information,” the filming took place in the village of Moschun some 23km northwest of the Ukrainian capital Kiev on Monday, he insisted.

Similar false flag operations have been carried out by the Ukrainian side in the cities of Sumy, Konotop and elsewhere, Konashenkov insisted. He didn’t provide direct evidence to support his claims.

And meanwhile the “civilised West” is peddling the Bucha false flag massacre, UkroNazis are committing more atrocities!

Alleged execution of Russian POWs captured on video

A gruesome clip emerged on social media on Tuesday, purportedly showing the execution of Russian prisoners of war by Ukrainian troops.

The video starts with the apparent murder of a severely wounded Russian serviceman, who was lying on a road. “Look, he’s still alive. He’s wheezing,” a voice said off screen before shots were fired at the defenseless soldier.

The Ukrainian troops in the video are seen shouting “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!” – a slogan belonging to World War Two Nazi collaborators which has been adopted by the country’s military – and discussing what gear they could loot from the corpses.

Casualties feared after alleged Ukrainian chemical plant attack

Retreating Ukrainian forces have allegedly blown up a tank allegedly containing hydrochloric acid, at a chemical plant in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) town of Rubezhnoe, which has emerged as a flashpoint in the ongoing military conflict.

The tank explosion was aimed at a populated area, controlled by local fighters, the LPR’s militia claimed on Tuesday.

“[These] terrorist actions might lead to mass civilian casualties,” the force warned on its Telegram channel, adding that authorities are currently collecting information about any casualties resulting from the incident.

The LPR has also accused Ukrainian media of “actively spreading fakes” that Donbass fighters had blown up the tank themselves. They said Kiev has been doing this in order to cover up “the criminal terrorist actions” of its own forces.