A Guide To Moscow from Graham Phillips

Now that the time for the World Cup in Russia is drawing near, the western media are in an overdrive “Russia scaremongering” mode to dissuade fans from visiting Russia. One of the cases in point was when The Sun misrepresented the Serbian photographer Vladimir Milivojevich’s pictures to achieve that goal.

In this context, it is so much more important to get the balanced, honest reporting from Russia. Once such source that I came to trust, is the British independent journalist Graham Phillips. When the coup d’etat in Ukraine happened, he was reporting from Donbass, being one of maybe a handful Western front-line journalists honestly covering the conflict. He also reported from the construction of the recently opened Crimean bridge and the new international airport in Simpheropol, Crimea. His report from Artek children’s summer camp was a much needed counterweight to the lopsided negative reporting from BBC.

Graham’s latest work is from Russia as it prepares for the World Cup. The fist instalment is “Moscow – A Guide To! (2018)”. During the 72 minutes of the film, you’ll visit both the well-trodden and the less-known parts of Moscow, you’ll get to see stunning views and impressions from visitors to Moscow, and you’ll glean some of the capital’s history and unexpected trivia. So, without much further ado, here is the film!


Make sure to visit Graham’s YouTube Channel and view his many other reportages.