I have been a long-standing donor and adopter at Durrell Wildlife conservation Trust. I have newly updated my membership to lifetime and increased my adoption level to Silver (Mr S Sokolov – Norway). Still, there is much more that can and should be done for the conservation of wildlife on our fragile planet.
The famous naturalist and the founder of the first zoo (on Jersey), aimed at study and conservation of endangered species, Gerald Durrell once wrote: “Animals and plants have nobody to speak for them except us, the human beings who share the world with them but do not own it.”
When I was first introduced to Bitcoins, I thought that they would be an ideal medium for micro-donations, especially with the growing user- and miner base of the new global currency.
This is a fund-raising campaign that I would like to start, using Bitcoins as the base currency. Please make your micro-donations to the address below or scan the address QR code in the upper right corner of the post
If you don’t have Bitcoins, please donate or otherwise help Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in any way you can, by proceeding to their site.
At the end of each month, if at least 1 Bitcoin is raised, I will convert BTC to GBP and transfer them to the Trust as a Donation from my account there. I will then update this post stating how much was transferred to the Trust in terms of GBP.
For the hall of fame, you are welcome to leave comments, stating how much you donated, or embed messages in the blockchain.
This topic at Bitcointalk forum