Posted by Nemo on September 09, 1998 at 11:55:36:
In Reply to: Re: Befria Skåne??? (With a translation) posted by Christer Andersson on September 09, 1998 at 01:12:42:
: First - No I am not sent in by the Swedish authorities. And I appologies that I'm doing this discussion in Swedish, but I can better motivate my oppinion in my own language.
: Jag är en helt vanlig Skåning som vill ha kvar den lilla del av "min" natur som är så som moder jord skapade den. Har man ett naturreservat så låt det vara ett naturreservat. Jag gillar inte golfbanan som är uppe på Kullaberg heller.
: Jag bryr mig inte särskilt mycket om vad ni egentligen har för idéer om och i Ladonien. Det som jag är emot är att en så kallad konstnär skall kunna hitta på något som Nimis och Arx på ett naturskyddsområde. Förvisso långt utanför alla normala utflykts platser etc. Och sedan skall man inte kunna ta väck brötet bara för att man inte kan bestämma vem som äger det. Har någon gjort ett fel, så skall den väl inte komma undan bara för att han/hon skyller på någon annan!
: Hur många konstnärliga klurigheter kan man i framtiden hitta ute i vår natur om man skall få göra vad man vill, var man vill. Det brukar ju inte finnas gränser för vad man kan kalla konst och böcker och allt vad det nu kan vara.
: Om det nu är "makten" i samhället du/ni är ute efter, så bygg ert Nimis och Arx på Nybroplan, ute på Djurgården, på Hjälmarekajen i Malmö, ute på Ön i Limhamn eller på någon annan plats som redan är "förstörd".
: Jag förstod i och för sig mig inte på den där konstnären som klädde in hela Riksdagsbyggnaden i Berlin med tyg. Men han tog åtminstone bort "konstverket" efteråt! Så hans "konstverk" kan jag acceptera, men Nimis och Arx tycker jag skall väck. Utställningstiden är över. Bygg Nimis 2 och Arx 2 någon annanstans sedan, Hitta på något nytt, var lite kreaktiv!
: / / / Christer Andersson, Father to my son and daughters.
I am not going to translate the message this time as it is too long, but the content should be understandable from my reply. (If somebody cares for a translation, please send me an e-mail)
You say, you wish to have your part of nature as it was created. But aren't human being also a part of Nature, and do we not also tend to make alterations? One does not annihilate a bird's nest just because it alters the original nature. If one looks at Nimis, one can find lots of things in common between this structure and a nest of a large bird (Eagles also build chaotic nests, which tend to grow with years!)
Your argument that this is a nature reservation builds upon recognition that humans have the right to decide, where Nature is to be preserved, and where it has no rights to do so. This is a look of a "modern" man. In older days man lived together with Nature, interfering only to feed himself, build a shelter, mark something Sacred. Stonehenge in England, rune stones in North are the forerunners of Nimis and Arx, they were built in the name of Nature, in the name of Sacred. No one even thinks of demolishing Stonehenge - it stood there for hundreds of years, but the cries for demolishing of Arx and Nimis are loud - they were around for only a couple of years. Yet, if we look at things in perspective, would we have Stonehenge now if people living then had the same attitude as people living now? Doubtingly!
That you do not care for the Ladonian Philosophy is a pity, for it is the philosophy, which modern man has almost lost in its hunt for money.
You concentrate too much on the term "art" and "artist". Art appeared for only for about 300 years ago, before it was a style of life. And that's what Nimis and Arx are - a style of life. That's why they are not built on the places where lots of people could see them - too much people would disturb the solitude, that what is sacred.
You also propose to find something creative, such as building Nimis 2 and Arx 2. But that's the least creative thing one can think of! It almost sounds like "Superman 2" or "Speed 2" and such kind of awful stuff! The beauty and creativity is in the fact that there is only one Nimis, and only one Arx... And they were never put on display - they were born out of an impuls, and they were born to stay...
You are quite right, it is difficult to decide who own what, that's perhaps Nimis and Arx are created for the future generations, who will be less arrogant than the generation of today. This juristic problem is perhaps the only thing that makes the difference between life and death of a creation the future generations will consider to be a historical treasure...
Yours sincerely,