Posted by Ooopserver on October 29, 1997 at 00:59:32:
In Reply to: Philosophy of Ladonia: most necessary! posted by Franco Von Gelli on October 26, 1997 at 21:39:16:
This is the ultimate sign. The end is near! Do penance!
Repent! Whatever!
Or.. given it a second thought..
-- was that just a prank? God a prank?
No, I know, I know.. here's the guy who aspires
openly and shamelessly for the office of Arx-bishop!!
With a see by the sea so to speak. But verily, verily
we sayeth unto him: Pisseth off thou false god.
We are a nation with an eonatic spirit--we're all
so saintily and holy due to our faith. Do you want
to join in? We're accepting new applicants fridays
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