Posted by Count Torby on September 18, 1997 at 10:40:27:
In Reply to: Ladonia – an eyewash without depth? posted by Minister of Propaganda on September 17, 1997 at 18:17:00:
: Beloved Ladonians
: (and I mean both of you),
: A proud nation took its first independant steps just
: a little over a year ago. And without question, we
: have had success in making us visible outside Kullaberg;
: at least in Sweden, recently also in Norway.
: This results mainly from our honoured SS' visibility and
: commitment. To his art and to our nation.
: And, compared to other micronations (if such a comparison
: is allowed) we are huge – more than 2,000 citizens/subjects.
: (By the way, shouldn't it be subzens or citijects since Ladonia
: is a Remony?)
: However, following debates, both within the cabinet and here
: on the discussion board, makes me wonder if this after all is
: nothing more than a wishful illusion without depth.
: Where are all Ladonians? I know we are nomads, constantly on
: the move, but somewhere on the way there should be some kind
: of a communications link.
: I challange you all to prove me wrong! (Hopefully I'm am.)
: Reply to this message, if only by stating you are out there. And by
: doing so, make this discussion board explode to kingdome come.
: It would be woth it.
: Lord Aslak Viking
: Minister of Propaganda
To venerable lord Aslak Viking and all worthy ladonians!
A wishful illusion without depth? I do not think so. We are in
fact very real. I think, so I am, was it not so? And thoughts has in
fact a real depth. I hope anyway. But I am also concerned about where
our fellow ladonians may be. We are as you point out approx. 2,000
citizens. Do we hear from them all. Unfortunately not. It may be that
we have to think of something very spectacular to boost the interest
in participating in ladonian daily life. Let us think about it.
In the meantime, I found something that might be worth testing. There
is a program called ICQ that gives instant communication between the persons
who put this in their cans. Unfortunately not yet for macintosh users.
So I cannot myself use this. But the information says there will be
a Mac version soon. Try it out.
Greetings from Count Torby (Who is right now preparing to defend the embassy in Falkenberg)
Teneo lupum auribus (I keep a wolf by the ears)