INT 21,3D - Open File Using Handle
AH = 3D
AL = open access mode
00 read only
01 write only
02 read/write
DS:DX = pointer to an ASCIIZ file name
on return:
AX = file handle if CF not set
= error code if CF set (see DOS ERROR CODES)
Access modes in AL:
|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| AL
| | | | | `-------- read/write/update access mode
| | | | `--------- reserved, always 0
| `-------------- sharing mode (see below) (DOS 3.1+)
`--------------- 1 = private, 0 = inheritable (DOS 3.1+)
Sharing mode bits (DOS 3.1+): Access mode bits:
654 210
000 compatibility mode (exclusive) 000 read access
001 deny others read/write access 001 write access
010 deny others write access 010 read/write access
011 deny others read access
100 full access permitted to all
- will open normal, hidden and system files
- file pointer is placed at beginning of file